03 January 2008

APA: Opening Salvo

Well, here I am, using an extortionate internet connection.

Except for registration and committee meetings I have no business at, the conference hasn't technically started yet, but already I've managed to buy a book, Word Order in Greek Tragic Dialogue, Helma Dik. There are modest discounts from some vendors, which simply adds to the temptations. I should avoid that room for the remainder of the conference.

I have run into two people I remember from the UT-Austin Classics department from, ah, a while ago. Et le sauvage noble!


Helma said...

Gee, I feel like I should buy you lunch to make up for the horrendous price:-(

Wm said...

By all means.

Your blogger ID doesn't resolve, and I cannot at the moment match your login name to a person in my mind. Are you here at the APA?